National Festival of Breads - KAF calling for amateur bakers to compete for a free trip

Profile picture for user BellesAZ

NOTE:  From the King Arthur baking community website:


Submitted by KAF editor on Tue, 2010-08-31 15:30 Start: 2010-09-01 12:00 pm End: 2011-02-07 11:59 pm

The National Festival of Breads is back for 2011! Amateur bakers ages 18 and up are encouraged to develop and submit their original bread recipes for a chance to participate in the live competition in June in Wichita, Kansas. One grand prize winner will receive an expenses-paid trip to Norwich, Vermont, for a class at our Baking Education Center.

Entries will be accepted online from September 1, 2010, through February 7, 2011. Visit the official National Festival of Breads website for details and to enter.

Hi, TFLers!

I came across this announcement on the KAF site, was immediately intrigued by the idea and then wondered if any TFL-ers were going to enter? 

(From looking at the past entries it seems like the folks on this board might have a competitive advantage.)

I thought it might be fun to try it, but I don't know a thing about baking contests, what might be a winning recipe to enter, or how competitve these contests are.

Does anyone on TFL have experience with bake-offs?  And if so, any tips or suggestions for those among us who are inexperienced and/or timid??!

Please tell us.

Thanks so much.  J.