I have a mix of whole grains. I think hey are oats, wheat (? not certain of this) rye, barley, millet, couscous, rice and buckwheat. So DUH! not to label these, as they were all bulk. Anyway, I made this mixture at the suggestion of an acquaintance to cook overnight in a crock pot and eat for breakfast. It comes out too pasty for my taste, so I'm wondering if I can make bread with it. I knew where to come with that question. lol You guys know everything! Oh, and I have sourdough ready to use, if that would work, too.
"Adaptation" of popular Cook's Illustrated recipe:
ATK video of recipe:
Relevant thread:
Thanks, mrfrost. These links have been very informative and helpful. Can't wait to try this recipe. I hope my mix will work as well as the one shown. We'll see. Thanks again.