Tim Hayward


Hello, I am a new member and I love this site! So much great information. I ran across these videos of Tim Hayward of the London Guardian and wanted to share the links.



I have started my own blog of my bread adventures just for fun. If you care to look, go to


Thanks for the wonderful site! I look forward to exploring it fully.

Mary Jo

Hi fellow midwest baker, and thanks for posting the videos. The first one is the best demonstration of the stretch-and-fold method I've seen so far on video, though I wish he had not used bread pans so I could see how he proofs dough that soft.

I checked out your web site and had to look away immediately so I wouldn't be overtaken by the evilly delicious giant cookie. Sigh. It's so difficult being good.




The cookie is definitely evil. I enjoyed checking out your site. I like to play around without recipes too. I've been making straight doughs forever but the preferments are all new to me. I anxious to get into it though.

Peter Reinhart is my hero! I have four of his books.