July 21, 2010 - 6:06am
Hello eveyone,
I am new to this blog, but have been reading for quite sometimes now. I am new to bread making and quite fascinated by the art, science, and cutural significance behind the subject; and, personally enjoy learning the process of how things work and made (not to mention try my hands on if possible).
And of course as a person who likes to eat, I would love to learn about the process even more.
I am looking forward to gain more knowledge from everybody.
Thanks and have a wonderful day.
In view of your interests about science and how things work, do check out the writings of our resident microbiologist, Debra Wink. Her sourdough posting is a classic and includes links to further reading at the bottom of the post.
thank you lindyD, i have rea Debra's article; absolutely fascinating.
i have tried my hands on starter at one point but gave up at the point where the gluten brokedown which i thought was failure on my part. but thanks, it is very helpful, will give it another go.