June 21, 2010 - 5:10am
Soy powder as egg wash substitute?
I've read that soy powder and water can be mixed to make a substitute for the egg in an egg wash. I bought some soy powder- label says "soya protein powder", ingredients say "soya protein isolate (90% pure)", made by "Purely Bulk".
When I tried the wash, 1 tbs powder to 3 tbs water, it didn't come out shiny, it came out dull and brown.
Did I get the wrong thing? It was all my store had, if it's wrong what should I try to find?
If it's right, is there a formula I can use to make it look shiny?
Sorry for all the questions! :)
Lots of yolk Fat. Thin yolk with equal parts of oil to make a fast browning mixture to paint on what ever you want brown and shiny. Soy powder? That's a new one on me.
In a bind I've used, oil, milk, cream, or mayonaise (savory) (all separately) or sugarwater or syrup. Some brown more than others. Adding more steam to the oven will also result in a shine. Leaving it longer in the oven also browns more.
Hi Mini!
The only problem I have with using eggs is that I hate the waste of whole egg when I'm only making one loaf of bread. I've tried storing the leftover wash, but it doesn't look good after a couple of days in the fridge. With soy powder, I can store it in my cupboard and use only what I need at the moment.
I have the book Bread: Artisan Breads from Baguettes and Bagels to Foccacia and Brioche By Eric Treuille and Ursula Ferrigno. In the section where it talks about various finishes on the breads, it states:
I've read online that they also recommend it in their Ultimate Bread book, so they must have tried it at some point, but no formula is given. As per the picture it looks the same as the egg wash finish, so I was hoping this would be an answer to my egg wastage problem.
Hmm, mayonnaise..
I just came across this online at http://www.asiarecipe.com/eggs.html :
When I tried that mix I found it too thick, but maybe if I added more water- 4 tbs- and some oil it might help.
Not all of the above lend themselves to egg wash (which frankly sometimes not always to my liking.) If you heat them up, like the cornstarch in some water until it gels, you get wall paper paste which makes a good wash, might have to play with the water amounts. The same goes for all the starches. Milk & sugar is also a good combo. If you heat them then use less of the starch and dissolve it into the water first and stir often. Add more water while it cools if needed.
Another trick is to beat up an egg and divide it into a small ice cube tray in one tablespoon portiongs and freeze. Then it is fresh when you need it. If your recipe calls for eggs then just hold a tablespoon back from the beaten eggs in the recipe and use a large egg. An egg wash is used to keep the top moist and eventually add color to a dough that doesn't easily color at that particular baking temp. You can also just heat up the left over egg with more eggs at breakfast or use it to thicken a sauce.
How about using the egg, minus what you'll need for the wash, into your bread? Should be easy to include in the liquid measurement. I have done that and it is great. No guilt, no waste. Ray