Sticky Pecan Caramel Rolls


From the ABI5MD. Who would have thought you can make dessert from stored bread dough? Well, the authors of this book did. As a matter of fact, I made this with bread dough, challah dough and brioche dough. The bread dough seems to be the favorite of all those who tried it.

as I love the rolls, but I do mine with raisins and brown sugar rather than pecans. Either way my mother never made a special sweet dough for them, always just used some of the bread dough when she was making bread. These were always a treat for us, and barely lasted long.

She also made them with biscuit dough, which is a whole different flavour and texture.

I can buy small 2 Bite cinnamon biscuit base ones at Safeway, but they just don't come up to the "MOM" standard for either the taste or the texture.

Yup, these never last long. I'm taking some to our bible study this afternoon. Except these ones are lower calories using 50/50 Butter and Smart Balance Light Buttery Vegetable Spread. On the filling, I used 75/25 of Brown Sugar and Splenda or Sucralose. Cranberries on one and White chocolate on the other.

I didn't apply as much of the filling either since the Smart Balance spread tend to be runny.

I figure I didn't really need that much sugar anyway.



that real sugar and butter really doesn't hurt one if you don't go overboard on them. The thing is that these types of things were made when we worked hard. Slogging on the farm, or whatever. Now we do sedentary things and don't sweat (unless you go to the gym of course) and still eat like we were logging or farming or out doing garden every day, and of course eating a sticky bun or several is not going to do us good. When I was a kid like I say it was a treat, we maybe got them twice a month, and I was a really active child (now I would be diagnosed with attendion deficiet disorder) so burned off anything I ate. But now I'm a mostly sedentary housewife (I do go out and do yard work on occasion) diagnosed with fibro, so the buns (I also am diabetic) would be a not so good thing for me, fortunately I have a husband and son in law that will eat them and remove temptation from my sight.

I use nice brown sugar and lots of butter and cinnamon and raisins so they are not as bad as one would think, you just need to realize that you don't need 2500 callories a day unless you are working on the chain gang or other heavy activity. I expect that a lot of the soldiers in the war zones would burn off the calories in a day (stress does that to you) but working in an office isn't that bad, of course things are not good, but hey you aren't out chopping down trees, or farming with horses anymore.

I made these yesterday and my caramel turned out grainy and dry, any suggestions why this happens?

Also I hade a difficult time shaping the dought because it was so wet and sticky.

The rolls were DELICIOUS, moist and yummy.