French bread 101
I've been away from baking (took only time for lazy bread), so I started again with something simple (I thought): French bread 1 (Crust and Crumb, Peter Peinhart). I kind of recall that the proposed mix off all-purpose vs bread flour was not ideal for me, but I didn't find a note on that in my bread diary. I get my flour at a windmill, the flourtype (T) is not constant. I added flaxseed as an ingredient.
The result: taste is ok, not too strong. The looks: I have to get into the gaming of scoring again, couldn't find a proper (razor)knife. As for the holes: chopsticks! I do recall some Austrian breads with holes like these, so this is my variation on the recipe. I would expect a crumb with more holes. Anyway, could to be baking again!
Talking about French bread: check out these videos (if you haven't already..):
Welcome back. It doesn't look like you have forgotten much!
Thanks Eric, the looks are ok, I think I lost 'the touch' a bit. Forgot to windowpane...
Ok, I'm hooked!! Bread looks amazing. I thought I was doing well to make the dough the night before and just shape and cook the traditional 'french stick' for dinner. I didnt think to check out the variety! Thanks!