Thermometers and bread baking


I have recently started baking larger loaves involves about 9 cups of bread.

I am having difficulty knowing when exactly the bread is done., so the obvious answer is a thermometer.

 My understanding is the internal temp should be 205-210 F.

When exactly do you take this temp, after the loaves have been in the oven for 30 minutes or so.Do you just plunge the thermometer through the crust at the highest part of the loaf and until you reach mid point?


Thank you for all responses. 


Find out what area of the thermometer registers the temperature.  Some register at the tip of the probe, but others are an inch or two higher up.  That's the part that should be in the center of the loaf.  Give it time to register.  The temp you'll want will probably vary with the type of bread.  A plain, white sandwich loaf is usually done at 190 degrees; a dense, whole-wheat loaf from a wet dough can easily go to 210 degrees before it's done.   -Mary