Baby sourdough starter


I started this project two weeks ago out of boredom. It started out somewhat...disastrously. Started with 1 cup of water, 1 cup whole wheat flour a pinch of yeast and a pinch of sugar. Life was hunky dory for a couple days until hooch started to form and I realized that perhaps a super watery consistency was not right. After about four days of this, I fed the starter and stuck it in the fridge regardless and then things went...silent. About a week after the starter was stuck in the fridge, it got pulled out and a new feeding regime has begun! This time things seem to be going much better.


So what has happened so far is:

Day 1: Starter is started with 1 cup water, 1 cup whole wheat bread flour, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of yeast

Day 2: Starter is fed

Day 3: starter is fed

Day 4: Starter is fed

Day 5: Starter is stuck in the fridge for a week

Day 12: starter is not looking very good. Too much hooch and it is getting way too runny

Day 13 on: Starter gets refed. One jar is gets measured out with 1/4 of the starter mixed with 1/3 whole wheat flour and 1/4 cup of water. The second jar is dumped out with 2/3 left mixed with 1/3 cup of a mix of white and whole wheat flour with 1/4 cup of water. So far so good.