used bakers oven


Good deal or not?

I found it on Kijiji for $750CDN.  It will take four full size sheet pans and is convection.

According to the owner, it does not have steam injection, which I really wanted for baguettes.  The internal shot is much cleaner than the exterior.  I think some elbow grease and new knobs will clean it up.

It takes 220 @ 40A to run.



I know someone who bakes for his local Steiner school with a steam injection Turbofan E35, which I covet!   I would say something is only a bargain if it meets your needs. How much bread are you baking?

I note your quote in CDN dollars so guess your are in Canada. Moffat have offices in Canada.

The current specs for the Turbofan E32 indicate an optional hook-up for steam injection. Might be worth calling them and asking what it would cost to add now.


I thought when I'd looked on the NZ Moffat site recently there had been more useful information. It was bugging me so I have just had a look and sure enough they provide installation/operation manuals. Here is a link to the Turbofan Bakbar ovens (hard to locate on the NZ site Products>Cooking>Ovens>Convection Ovens>Bakbar Turbofan)

You'll find information on optional set-up for steam in this E32 manual:

Whether this applies to the oven you are interested in I have no idea.

Cheers, Robyn