I decided to buy a new stand mixer. The one I have now is a Kitchen Aid, bowl lift, with some extra attachments. I consered Bosch, and others, but decided on the Viking. I never used Viking. Anyone own one? Now have to decide who gets my Kitchen Aid. Am considering my stepson's wife in NY, or my friend in FL.
Thanks for your input. Hopefully, I'll get it by next week.
I did the same thing. I had the 7qt Kitchen Aide with the bowl lift (actually I regretted it the day after I bought it, but it was good enough to burn out rather quickly) so I purchased the 7 qt Viking and have not looked back ever since.
I hope that you enjoy the new Viking and have the same pleasurable experience that I have had with mine.
I also had a hand held mixer by Kitchen Aid, which I used two or three times. The last time I tried to use it it didn't work, and of course, the waranty had just run out a month before. I called Kitchen Aid and hoped they would work with me to replace it, but they didn't so I bought a Cuisinart since I have had such good luck with their products, and with the service. I wasn't all that satisfied with the bowl lift mixer at all but at least it works. I should be getting my new mixer sometime next week. Got free S&H, plus free blender attachment.