Extra long chilling


Yesterday I made yet another one of Susan's Sourdough with a couple of new (to me) tricks. The dough was much wetter than usual and I kept it warm in between stretch and folds in the oven with the light on. Then it went into the refrigerator for the overnight chilling at about 4.30pm. Then I found out that my DIL and the grandgirls were taking me to eat at an English Teashop, a belated birhday treat, and I needed to leave here at 9.45 am so that we could catch the 10.30 am ferry. So the shaped boule sat in the refrigerator for 24 hours (I don't do early mornings) by which time it had nearly filled the banneton. Glad to report that the loaf had great oven spring and sang like a bird as it cooled! Too soon to check the crumb but I am just happy it wasn't a disaster, A.

Thanks Paul and Eric, but I think it was more dumb luck than anything. The crumb is holey but not with the huge glossy holes I always hope to find, but then I don't use high gluten flour. This was my usual KA bread flour with 1/4c rye subbed in. Now if I can only remember how to post pictures... A.


Don't you love it when you can delay everything at will by retarding? It is empowering. Glad it turned out well.
