January 6, 2010 - 10:19am
Brotform and Banneton
I want to purchase Brotforms and/or Bannetons and need some advice.
Lined or unlined, that is the question ? I'd hoped to stop at that one question, since I could use the Shakespeare ending, I will anyway :)
I want to get one round and one oval, what sizes should they be ?
.. is for unlined. You can always drape linen in a brotform to achieve the same effect as a lined banneton.
The best of both worlds :)
For sizes, I prefer the slightly bigger forms as the can generally hold smaller amounts of dough without any problems, as well. This works better in the round shapes, but as long as the dough size isn't too low below the designed volume, it'll work in most shapes.
I bake for only the two of us—my wife and me.
I generally use 430-450g (about a pound) of flour per loaf and the smallest round Brotformen I have are about 20cm (8 inches) in OUTSIDE diameter. This is perfect for my rye breads and my sourdough No-Knead breads. If they bulge over the top during final proofing, which is rarely, I'm very happy!
The only reason to use the Brotform, for me, is to get the lovely pattern and I seem to get more of the 'effect' in the smaller baskets.
Seki's point is well-made, though, if you want to line the Brotform with linen to make a 'banetton'. You can go to the next larger size and be happy. It depends a lot on your recipe/formula. I have larger (round, oblong and oval) Brotformen for when I want make attractive presents of rye bread for friends, but the smallest ones get the most use in our house.
A Brotform 9'' Round and a Brotform 8.5'' Oval with removable liners which gives me the option to line or not. Thank you all for your comments, I bought them based on the advice.
Aloha, steve