Years ago I stopped making New Years resolutions. All that ever resulted was a big measure of guilt because I couldn't usually get beyond 24 hours without breaking them. One of the problems with previous years resolutions, is that they usually involved a diet. And, as we know, most diets treat bread that an evil that is to be totally avoided for fear of ever losing weight.
Now I am older, (age 71) and while not particularly slender, I am comfortable with my weight and am in perfect health and feel great, mostly because of regular yoga practice. My only rule (resolution) is to eat only good tasting food, eat only when I am hungry and to enjoy good food. In that vein, I am taking baking my own bread very seriously. While there is a lot written of bread as a metaphor for life, my own goals are more simple, enjoyment of creating something, applying science to a skill and simply eating something good.
My shelves are bending with bread books, my cupboards are full with flours, implements, and I have bookmarked every bread site I can find. Now, I need to get it all organized and get to work/play and get serious with the bread thing.
Even though I am starting this on New Years Day 2010, I will be posting about some other recent and incredibly fun experiences.
- yogajan's Blog
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