My first try at Leonards's Country French and Pain de Mie


So I decided to try some new loaves this Winter.  We enjoy our weekly pain au levain, but I wanted to try something new.  So I tried these two.  It was fun.  Can't wait to see how they taste.  I am not a fan of commercial yeast breads, but other members of the family are, thus the pain de mie.  Happy baking!

have you tried using cake yeast rather than instant yeast? you can't get the same bread flavor using instant yeast or active dry.. you have to convert the instant yeast to cake yeast ratio.

I always thought to get bakery level quality, you have to use the same ingredients and methods they use. Cake Yeast is a powdery type of yeast, it has a short shelf life but its hard to find it in grocery stores so thats why I think recipe books don't use it but my professional pastry book always uses cake yeast. I'm in the food business so I have access to it.

Thanks.  I used cake yeast years ago when it was easy to find.  I just have been spoiled by sourdough.  I do wish the cake style was still available in the dairy section of the local store though.