December 6, 2009 - 4:24am
Quick question about milk
Hello friends, I was looking at the recipe for pretzels. I see it call for "milk" my question is would skim milk be suitable in a formula that calls for milk. Theses days we buy skim plus milk and is what I have on hand. I am not concerned with the fat content, it is just easier to use what i have on hand. Rather than buy a quart of whole milk for the bread. Thank you in advance for any help. If the whole milk makes a big difference then I will use it.
I just use skim milk (made from dry milk powder) and since I have nothing to compare it to I have no issues.
If you want to, my "Joy of Cooking" says you can substitute:
1 cup whole milk -- 1 cup reconstituted nonfat dry milk plus 2 1/2 teaspoons butter or margerine
I am sure using store brought skim milk would work just the same. I like that substitution and will use it.