November 17, 2009 - 9:11pm
Couche size
I was at Walmart today and found some "duck cloth" (sort a like a light canvas) for about 6 bucks a yard, so I bought a yard to see if I could make a couche. It feels like it could be a nice material to hold its shape when you make folds to hold the bread.What would you estimate the finished size to be for a hobby baker. I can't imagine making more than 4-5 baguettes at any one time.
Thanks, Royall
A yard seems like plenty, doesn't it? Two yards and you'd have plenty even if you wanted to double it up or fold it over the top.
The actual size of the material is 36x60. I was hoping to get two out this but don't want to make them too small to be useful. I've never seen one let alone use one but it looks handy.
I would imagine that two at 36x60 would be quite adequate.