Any one live in Wisconsin?


I live in the Duluth Superior area and would like to find some one from TFL near me to maybe Get lessons from.  Know any one?



Amanda, why not check out some of the bakeries in your area and see if they offer classes?

I found Sustenance Artisan breads in the Superior area.  Give them a call at 715-392-7004.


I live down state near Milwaukee so not to close. As long as you are on line I think we can help you easily enough with any questions you may have. There are some great videos for those techniques that are hard to visualize in print and this is a very helpful bunch here at TFL.

Please let us know what your most important question is and let's give this a try. OK? What kind of bread are you wanting to bake?



I am 5-6 hours South of you, not that close.  I do teach bread classes and possibly could help you right here if you have a specific question or questions.


Thank you all so much.  I woud be willing to travel maybe spend a weekend.(need to get out of town)  I make yeast breads and know how they should feel.  I just would like a hands on lesson(s) with Sourdough.  Thank you LindyD I will call them tomorrow.

Hi Amanda, you might wind up getting a sales clerk when you call and if that's the case, ask to speak with the owner or maybe visit the bakery in person.  If the owner (or head baker) won't invite you in, perhaps you can be steered to a bakery that will.

I think you are spot on with your wish to visit an artisan bakery and be able to get your hands on the dough.  I did that earlier this year and learned a lot from the experience, plus it was great fun to see a deck oven in operation as well as the other "toys" - not to mention the largest block of butter I've seen in my life.

Now, if you are looking for information on creating a sourdough culture - you will find tons of info here at TFL.  You just have to keep in mind that it's going to take a few weeks to grow a viable, good tasting culture that will have the strength to raise your bread.



Why would anyone live in Wisconsin -- for the Beer and Cheese of course.  From someone who lives in a beer wasteland but then I have a daughter in Madison.
