May 15, 2009 - 7:04am
Anybody here participating on the BBA Challenge?
I am not sure this was brought up here, but there is a big "net-challenge" going on, about 200 folks all over the world are baking Reihart's Bread Baker's Apprentice book, one recipe at a time
even though I am not a blogger, I decided to join.
Anybody here doing it too?
you can read all about it here
I joined up. I think I was the 27th one. :) I've made the first two recipes. I have a thing or two or three to learn and this will help I'm sure.
It has been so much fun already.
The membership closed on Sunday night but anyone can follow along.
Hello there, Susie...
yeap, I've seen your posts - I also made the first two, and hopefully I will be able to pull the bagels this weekend
it's been so much fun so far, I hope I can keep up
I did too, and there are a number of us on this forum who have joined. There's also a Facebook group for the BBA challenge as well :) (thanks, Phil!)
with the BBA Challenge. I've done the first two loaves so far. I think it'll be an amazing learning experience.
You can follow my progress at Flour Girl.
Happy baking,
Yes, I joined, too. I'm evidently not the baking aces that you guys are yet (I still have hope). I've done the Anadama bread twice, with my third try coming up today. It wasn't a hard recipe, but there seemed to always be something that wasn't just right. I think I baked (per the recipe) quite a bit too long last time and proofed too long, also. Since I'm doing this to learn, I think I want to keep trying the same recipe, comparing my loaves for optimum outcome.
Meet you in the (cyber) kitchen,
Just went back to count.. #53. Can't believe how FAST that membership grew! I am planning on make the Christo-whatever bread today (book downstairs, not ready to run up and down for correct spelling). As it is a rainy day, excellent way to heat the house. One problem, no allspice. So I will just leave it out. Can't be that much of a taste difference.
ivyb, ny
don't tell anyone.. I also did not have allspice! :-)
challenge. she had a previously loaded a video of Peter for us where she was at one of his speeches, maybe about a month or so ago. Oh Pamela.....!
Hey, Sparkin, we've just committed to bake 'em. Never said anything about liken' 'em.
I liked the taste but wasn't crazy about the crunch. I wouldn't use Polenta again but just plain old regular corn meal. :)