April 17, 2009 - 5:00pm
What is the term for this period of rest?
When a proofed dough is removed from the refrigerator and allowed to rest until it reaches room temperature, what is this period of rest called? I'm not really proofing it again, am I?
Hi DrPr, I think it is part of the final fermentation. According to Hamelman, the stages of fermentation are: preferment (optional), bulk (primary) fermentation, bench rest, final fermentation - and oven spring..
There is no need to bring a retarded dough to room temperature before baking. If the dough is just about fully risen when removed from the cooler, you'll wind up with flat bread if you wait for the dough to warm to room temp.
Give the yeast a chance to do their final dance and load the bread when it is around 85-90 percent risen. With good steam (or Susan's magic bowl technique), you'll get great oven spring.