Hey, look, an article about bread!


In the course of morning browsing, my husband found this article on the news/arts/life website Slate:


It's a review of a cookbook called "Kneadlessly Simple" - the author says she's an inept baker but apparently took a lot from the book...  I thought that perhaps a few Fresh Loafers (not lazy loafers, brilliant Loafers!) might find it an interesting quick read.  And, of course, of course, I posted a comment in their discussion forum highly recommending both the practice of baking and The Fresh Loaf!  

Otherwise, I only hope everybody is enjoying their own blooming spring, equalling blossoming life, and rising bread!





Nice article.  On a side note, the site url list in your profile leads to a biblical/christian website.  While I realize that there is a bread connection there I don't think that this is what you had in mind.
