I have been wanting the new Bosch Universal for almost a year now. I finally saved all of my pennies and was going to buy one at Pleasant Hill Grain, when something told me to check Amazon. The first time I did, the price was about the same as PHG. But something kept nudging me, and when I looked again, there was a brand new Universal Plus for $210! I thought I was dreaming! I cannot wait until I get it. PHG is running a special where you get the mixer and blender for $399. I could care less about the blender--I'm fine with my very old Vita Mix, but couldn't pass up the deal.
I can't share this with everyone because they won't understand. I'm totally psyched. I just hope it's not some refurbished thing. It said it was new, so I'm hoping. Yay!
Hi, lainey68.
$210 would be a fabulous price for the BUP.