March 19, 2009 - 1:58am
vegetable pulp bread
Hi. I was wondering if anyone on this forum had used any of the pulp left from juicing when making bread? I make lots of bread - and lots of juice - and hate throwing away the pulp. Any ideas would be gratefully received!!
I use it in bread but mainly muffins. It's really easy because there's little or no adjustment for the liquid in any recipe you want to use. I just randomly add it in whatever recipe I'm doing. I don't substitute it for regularly shredded carrot or zucchini in a recipe without adding extra liquid because it makes the bread or muffins too dry.
Also, smoothies are a good way to conceal extra veggies for kids or picky eaters. Use yogurt and banana as a starter and add whatever other veggies and fruit (some frozen) to get flavoring.
I haven't tried it, but I will now, to use it in soup to thicken it a little near the finished time. I'm not sure if it would make it gritty but pureeing would do the same thing.
I find it hard using all the pulp we have leftover but I certainly use a good portion of it. The rest, I'm thinking, could go into a compost bucket for my soil. At least it's feeding something. :)
I always use it for compost.
Meatloaf or meatballs as well. But my favorite is muffins.