I found these and decided it was easier than translating the ones I have. She has some lovely things here. Hope those that were interested find it useful. Caroline
You must be a local, I'm up here in North Phoenix. We hang out at a little place called Carambas (off Bell Road & I-17) most Friday afternoons where they serve fermented agave... Coming up from Tucson tomorrow afternoon around 5 PM if you're thirsty...
Free beer too anyone who recognizes the picture or butte behind Chufi...
...that would be East Mitten Butte. I drive through the beautiful Monument Valley about once a year.
Where do we meet for fermented liquid bread?
You must be a local, I'm up here in North Phoenix. We hang out at a little place called Carambas (off Bell Road & I-17) most Friday afternoons where they serve fermented agave... Coming up from Tucson tomorrow afternoon around 5 PM if you're thirsty...
...or I would certainly join you.
I visit Scottsdale/Tempe once a year for either for art or sports events.
I am not familiar with Carambas. We do frequent El Torito and Carlsbad Tavern.