Obama Bread...or otherwise known as the bread baked on 'swearin-in' day (can't spell inagrul....)

Oh-- I'm new to the forum, back into sourdough after far too many years to mention. A few who welcomed me mentioned you'd want to see photos of the fruits of my labor....well, here's the 'photo record' of Tuesday's efforts. In honor of our 44Th president, I've named it: Obama Bread! At 8am, 2 cups starter, fed with 1/2c water & 3/4c plain unbleached flour: Starter 8am.jpg.2 ____________________________ 1 hr later, almost tripled in size: 1hr later.jpg.2 _______________________________ after 3 'fold & turns' over 1 1/2 hr--almost doubled in size, ready for oven: after 3 stretch & folds.jpg.1 ___________________________ fresh from oven, with a nifty brushing of butter!: fresh from oven.jpg.2 _________________________ 1st cut--texture! this is the lightest bread so far--I'm thinking due to the milk & sugar in the recipe--a bit too sweet, so next time, I'll cut back on the sugar...maybe a bit on the milk, too: 1st cut.texture.jpg.1 so, there ya have it~ How'd I do?