January 19, 2009 - 7:18am
wild yeast
I am making my first loaf of bread with liquid levain. It seeems to be rising so assuming that is a good sign! When you refresh levain do you have to discard some of it or can you just keep feeding it? I am very new at this but determined to get it all down! I will post pictures of my finished product.
The loaves turned out beautiful for my first time..now I just have to figure out how to post pictures.
If you just keep on feeding that levain (starter) without discarding any portion, not only will you have to keep adding larger and larger amounts of flour, but it will eventually break lose from its container, slide across the floor, and fill your home with goo. Might even reach your bedroom at midnight!
Seriously, you do have to discard or you'll be able to fill your local pool with levain. For a good read on that subject, visit Susan's Wild Yeast blog.
Glad your loaves turned out so well. Click on the FAQ tab at the top of your screen and you'll find info on how to post photos. Looking forward to seeing them.
Thanks! Good point on that one.