Old Wooden Magic Mill & Bosch Magic Mixer - Back From the Dead!


Sorry for not knowing which forum to post this in, but I want to get back into my bread making hobby.  I bought an old Wooden Magic Mill (3/4 HP motor) with stone grinders, & Bosch Magic Mixer back in 1970's in Bloomington, IN.  I still have the book that came with it "The Magic of Wheat Cookery" by Lorraine Tyler.


I have not used it in 20 years, but other than some dust, they both look good and turn on just fine.  I don't know how long the grinding stones last, or how you tell if they have worn out.  I used to use their simple "Foolproof" Whole Wheat Bread 6 step recipe, with hard red winter wheat which was always wonderful and easy.


Any words of wisdom from any of the old timers on cleaning/lubricating/resurrecting these tools?  Any good places to buy quality hard red winter/spring wheat mailorder?  Does "organic" or a particular brand name matter? I live in eastern Connecticut now.

