The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Sadassa_Ulna's picture

A simple technique for French bread?

January 9, 2013 - 3:37pm -- Sadassa_Ulna

I have been making batards and baguettes for about six months now. I started out using Dan Leader's stiff levain baguettes and then found txfarmer's 36+ hour baguettes. So I currently keep a 70% starter and a 100% starter in my fridge, both to make baguettes that are around 76% hydration dough. I would like to streamline things for 2013. 

Stephanie Brim's picture
Stephanie Brim

The last few weeks have sucked TREMENDOUSLY around here. Good bread is how I cope. In order to stop the current round of chaos that was the wind down for bedtime last night, I offered to the kids that we should mix up dough.

400g flour

2 pinches of yeast

8g salt

300g water

I wanted a wet, tasty dough that would be ready in time for dinner the next day. I woke up today and at 3 or so punched it down and shaped it. A couple hours later I put it in the oven. Half an hour at 425 later, this is what I pulled out of the oven:

The loaves are almost round. ROUND. Can't believe it.

Basic things can make you so happy.

dorothy62's picture


3 dkg élesztő
3 dl tej
1 szem citrompótló összetörve
2 ek. kr.cukor
40 dkg finomliszt
10 dkg rétesliszt
1 egész tojás
1 tojássárgája
8 dkg olvasztott vaj
1 tojássárga és 1 ek.porcukor a kenéshez
Nagyon egyszerű 25 dkg darált mák és 20 dkg kr.cukor elkeverve

Egy dl tejben kis liszttel és pici cukorral kelesztjük meg az élesztőt. A lisztet kimérjük és sorban beledolgozzuk a hozzávalókat. A vajat (margarint) a legvégén adjuk hozzá, és alaposan meggyúrjuk. Kelesztés 1 órán át, langyos helyen, majd a tésztát kétfele vesszük kinyújtjuk, és megtöltjük a mákkal. Óvatosan feltekergetjük tepsire helyezzük és újabb 30 percet kelesztjük langyos helyen. Sütés előtt megkenjük a porcukorral elkevert tojássárgájával. Közepesen meleg előmelegített sütőben kb 45 perc alatt elkészül.

Jó tudni:

A lisztet érdemes szitálni, mert közben oxigént visz magával a tálba és szebben fog megkelni a tészta. Amibe olvasztott zsíradék kell, ott  a liszt 20 %-át réteslisztre kell cserélni. A citrompótlóban lévő aszkorbin miatt marad puha a sütemény napokig, ajánlott minden élesztős tésztába. Kelesztés dagasztógép nélkül:a a sütőt 5 percre begyújtjuk és elzárjuk, majd a tésztástálat egy kendőbe tekerve betesszük,  a hő a kelesztés végéig kitart. A porcukros tojástól lesz ropogós barna a mákos külseje.


Stephanie Brim's picture
Stephanie Brim

I was inspired by David (dmsnyder) and his 5 hour baguettes. I needed a sandwich bread that was as lean as I could get it but was still very much soft crusted and soft of crumb. I've found it, I think, by slightly modifying the 5 hour baguette idea and adding one enrichment: olive oil.

Stephanie’s Simple Bread
Makes 1 small loaf

225g AP or bread flour
10g rye flour
15g white whole wheat flour
3/4 teaspoon instant yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
170g water

Mix ingredients in the bowl for your stand mixer until you form a shaggy mass. Mix, on low, for 5 minutes, then increase speed to medium for 3 or 4 more. I left this in a clean bowl for 75 minutes for a first rise, folding at 25 and 50 minutes, and 60 minutes for a second rise. Shaped carefully and proofed for 40 minutes, scored, and spritzed with water. Baked for 30 minutes at 425 degrees.

I posted the recipe on my blog, too.

So thank you David. Thanks also have to go out to Susan of Wild Yeast for inspiration due to the fact that I was browsing the Wild Yeast Blog when I thought about how good a simple bread would be with the locally homemade ham salad I bought today.

Stephanie Brim's picture

First real success on a stone.

January 19, 2009 - 5:33pm -- Stephanie Brim

I had my first real success today. I thank this site, obviously, for teaching me baker's percentage and how to use it.

I made a 70% hydration flour/yeast/salt/water bread today.  Everything was weighed and I came up with the following:

300g flour (100%)

210g water (70%)

6g active dry yeast (2%)

6g salt (2%)

This gave me a loaf that is 473 grams, or just over a pound, once baked. Perfect for a meal or two of pasta.

canuck's picture

Hello Folks, this is my first post on The Fresh Loaf, altough I have been reading and trying out recipes for a long time.

I wanted to share a very easy recipe for Sourdough Onion Rye, which is an adaption of pretty much everything I have learned from this site. It's really quite easy to make and comes out fine every time, so good luck and please give me feedback, I would love to hear about your experience.

The Starter

I use a fairly wet "batter" style sourdough starter. I keep it in the fridge and refresh it after I use it and then let it sit out for a while. Right now I am living in Zambia, this starter is therefore infested with Zambian yeast - I wonder if there is a difference? In any case, it's pretty active and works really well.

The Flour

I love reading the discussions about the various types and properties of flour, and how important a specific type of flour is for one recipe or another. In Zambia, we get two types of flour: Bread Flour and Cake Flour, that's it. I use Bread Flour and it works great. Rye flour is harder to come by, I get mine from a local bakery that imports it from South Africa. I have no idea exactly what kind of Rye it is, it looks sort of a like a medium extraction. I have learned not to worry too much, it all comes out tasting pretty good.

The Recipe

The night before baking, start the poolish.

about 1/2 cup starter

3 cups bread or all-purpose flour

1 cup Rye flour

2 cups of water.

Mix it all together, cover and let sit overnight.

The Next Morning.

Add to the poolish:

3 cups of flour as before

1 cup of Rye, as before

1 large (raw) Onion, finely chopped

(Optional) 1 Tablespoon Dried Dill

1 Tablespoon Salt

3/4 Cup water.

Mix well and let sit for twenty minutes.

This makes a pretty wet dough, one of you scientists can figure out the hydration. Because of the rye flour its quite sticky. I find the best way to mix it is to just get my hands in there and squish it all together.

After it sits, knead for 10 minutes. You will need to use quite a bit of flour as the dough is very sticky. After kneading cover and let rise until doubled, about two hours.

 Sourdough Onion Rye dough, just after kneading

After rising, dump the dough onto a well floured surface and cut in half. Stretch each half **gently** into a ball, then **gently** stretch into a loaf shape. You don't want to squish the air bubbles. I find the "envelope" method of shaping just a bit too vigorous.

Transfer the the loaves onto baking paper, cover and let rise for about an hour.

 Sourdough Onion Rye - Shaping the loaves


Sourdough Onion Rye - Ready for the Oven

Sourdough Onion Rye - Ready for the Oven

Meanwhile, preheat your stone and your oven to 450/220. Then transfer your loaf onto the stone, I use the back of a cookie sheet as a peel. When the loaf is in the oven use whatever steam method you prefer, I simply toss a cup of water into the bottom of the over and shut the door. Bake for about 25 minutes, turn the loaf once. I have a very small oven, so I can only bake one loaf at a time.

Take the bread out, and let it cool for as long as you can, and then enjoy! Also makes great toast!

Sourdough Onion Rye - The Finished Product

Sourdough Onion Rye - The Finished Product

Your feedback greatly appreciated



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