The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


dorothy62's picture


3 dkg élesztő
3 dl tej
1 szem citrompótló összetörve
2 ek. kr.cukor
40 dkg finomliszt
10 dkg rétesliszt
1 egész tojás
1 tojássárgája
8 dkg olvasztott vaj
1 tojássárga és 1 ek.porcukor a kenéshez
Nagyon egyszerű 25 dkg darált mák és 20 dkg kr.cukor elkeverve

Egy dl tejben kis liszttel és pici cukorral kelesztjük meg az élesztőt. A lisztet kimérjük és sorban beledolgozzuk a hozzávalókat. A vajat (margarint) a legvégén adjuk hozzá, és alaposan meggyúrjuk. Kelesztés 1 órán át, langyos helyen, majd a tésztát kétfele vesszük kinyújtjuk, és megtöltjük a mákkal. Óvatosan feltekergetjük tepsire helyezzük és újabb 30 percet kelesztjük langyos helyen. Sütés előtt megkenjük a porcukorral elkevert tojássárgájával. Közepesen meleg előmelegített sütőben kb 45 perc alatt elkészül.

Jó tudni:

A lisztet érdemes szitálni, mert közben oxigént visz magával a tálba és szebben fog megkelni a tészta. Amibe olvasztott zsíradék kell, ott  a liszt 20 %-át réteslisztre kell cserélni. A citrompótlóban lévő aszkorbin miatt marad puha a sütemény napokig, ajánlott minden élesztős tésztába. Kelesztés dagasztógép nélkül:a a sütőt 5 percre begyújtjuk és elzárjuk, majd a tésztástálat egy kendőbe tekerve betesszük,  a hő a kelesztés végéig kitart. A porcukros tojástól lesz ropogós barna a mákos külseje.


saraugie's picture

Which one book, has the most, the tastiest recipes ?  Instructions on bread baking 101 not necessary, if it has that's ok but not essential by any means.

karladiane's picture

What's your heavenly loaf???

October 21, 2008 - 9:57am -- karladiane

Hi all:

Because I'm a curious (i.e., nosy) baker, I previously asked you all what your signature loaves are - the ones you bake regularly. But what loaves would you definitely want to find on the dinner table in heaven? Assuming that there is a heaven, we all know that there will be endless bakeries there. What are the loaves that you think give you a taste of heaven on earth? (and not necessarily ones that you can bake).

usta's picture


Authentic Ramadan Pide (

In my country, arrival of Ramadan is easily noticed by the long lines in front of the bakeries and the tempting smell of pides wafting into the streets. It is a special type of flatbread with an incomparable aroma and flavor. This recipe will yield the delicious authentic pide made by the bakeries during Ramadan time. Enjoy!

Ramadan Pide


4½ cups bread flour

1 teaspoon instant yeast

1 tablespoon molasses

1 teaspoon salt

1½ cups water, lukewarm

½ cup milk

3 tablespoons olive oil

For Decoration:

1 egg yolk

1 teaspoon yogurt

1 teaspoon water

1 teaspoon nigella seeds or sesame seeds  

3 pides (8" diameter)


1.   In a bowl, combine ¼ of the yeast and 1 cup of the flour and stir to mix. Add ½ of the water and form a a soft dough. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 1 hour.

2.   Put the dough in a container with a lid and place it in the lowest shelf of the refrigerator. Leave the dough overnight.

3.   Take the dough out of the refrigerator and let sit at room temperature for about 2-3 hours.

4.   If making by hand, mix the rest of the dough ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir to mix. Add in the fermented dough. Knead well for 10 minutes. The dough will be very soft and wet which might make it a little hard to handle.

5.   If using a mixer, fitted with the dough hook, mix the rest of the dough ingredients and add the fermented dough. Knead for 6-7 minutes. The dough will be very soft and wet which might make it a little hard to handle.

6.   Transfer the dough to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 2 hours.

7.   Place the baking stone on the lowest rack of the oven; remove any other racks to ease access. Pre-heat the oven to 500 degrees F (250 degrees C).

8.   With a spoon, carefully tip one-third of the dough at a time on to the pizza peel generously dusted with flour.  Using floured hands, roll out into a 8" (20cm) circle about 1/2" (1 cm) thick, making sure dough does not stick to the peel. Leave to rise in a warm place for 30 minutes. Make two more pides in the same way.

9.   Using the opposite end of a wooden spoon make deep indentations on the dough as in the picture. Mix the egg yolk, water and the yogurt for the glaze and brush over the pide. Decorate with nigella seeds or sesame seeds.

10.  Place an oven-safe pan with boiling water in the oven to create steam.

11.  Place the pide carefully on the hot baking stone. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden and crusty and place in a towel as soon as it is out of the oven. If the top bakes too quickly, cover loosely with aluminum foil.

12. Serve warm.

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