The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Szanter5339's picture

White bread.
I hope I write well in recipes? I do not know English and turn machine.
Send a few photos because he was angry a lot of photos!
I'm sorry, I do not want others to take the whole page!

700 ml of water
6 tablespoons of oil
2 tablespoons vinegar (20%)
6 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
1600 gram flour
40 grams of yeast
In yeast +

Preparation of yeast, 1-2 days before cooking.

140 ml of water
150 grams of flour
1 tablespoon oil
½ teaspoon salt
20 grams of yeast

ginnyj's picture

Video making basic bread

October 26, 2011 - 2:53pm -- ginnyj

I would like to find a good video showing someone baking a basic white or white and whole wheat bread without a bread machine.  I really enjoy watching people bake or cook.  I can learn better watching than just reading the steps.  I know there are lots of vidoes out there but am wondering if anyone has found a good one.

Thank you.



Szanter5339's picture

Dawn Nagymama blogjában találtam ezeket a zsemléket. Nagy sikere lett nálunk is!

Szanter5339's picture


Szanter5339's picture









Breuer's picture

For 4 small baguette and 1 big loaf:

The “poolish” ferment:

175gr water

25gr rye flour

150gr Wheat, tipo -00-

2,5gr organic fresh yeast


For the final dough:

All of the “poolish” ferment

650gr fine spelt

350gr water

10gr organic fresh yeast

15gr salt


  • Refridge the “poolish” overnight.
  • Mix the final dough and autolyse for 5min.
  • Knead the dough for about 10min, add salt and finish the kneading.(I used the RICHARD BERTINET technique by hand ).
  • Let the dough proof for about 1½ hour.
  • Shape the dough into equal pieces.
  • Let them rest for 15min.
  • Now do the final baguette shape.
  • Let them proof about 80-100%
  • Bake them in a 250c preheated oven with steam.
  • Remove the steam after 4-7min and bake the bread 20min in total.
  • Cool down on a rack.


This is my first try and it can only be better, but after all i´m quit happy now that I know the technique. I want a more crisp crust and bigger holes in the crumb.

I used Richard Bertinets recipe with one BIG change, all of the fine white flour had to be extra strong wheat flour..

bemonkey's picture

I want to see your favorite bread picture

October 18, 2011 - 1:59pm -- bemonkey


I love baking, cooking, cake decorating and than taking pictures of my work. It is rewording to take a look at your creation after so much time spent in the kitchen. Even if it was not you who baked it, post a picture of brads that left you in wow. I am looking forward to see all the beautiful pictures of our common interest; bread.

I also have a FB page where I would love to see you post the picture so people who visit my page can see what amazing bread you can bake. I am sure people will enjoy it tremendously. For those of you who want to do that please go to:


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